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Kabaka Pyramid Set to Perform on Fox 5 Good Day New Before York European/UK Tour

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Kabaka Pyramid
Photo Credit: Samo Kush

New York, New York February 23, 2023. Off the heels of his Grammy Award win for Best Reggae Album, Kabaka Pyramid is slated to deliver an acoustic performance on Fox 5 Good Day New York on Friday Feb 24th. Good Day New York is one of the state’s top five morning programs airing from 4:30 am – 10:00 am Eastern Time.

Kabaka Pyramid will perform one of his singles off his album ‘The Kalling’ followed by an interview. Heading to New York, for his performance on Saturday February 25 at Club Amazura in Queens, NY alongside Anthony B, Pressure Busspipe and Turbulence Kabaka is also looking forward to his 6 weeks European tour, which will take him to cities like Munich, Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Hanover, Paris, Vienne, Bologna, and London just to name a few. Accompanied by his Bebble Rock band, Kabaka is looking forward to seeing his fans especially just weeks after this monumental win.

“The love locally and abroad has been great so far and it’s a great feeling to see and know there were so many people truly rooting for me, Jamaica is proud. Tour life is not new to my team and I, but we are going out on this tour as a Grammy winning artist, so there is definitely a celebratory vibe with this tour and fans can look forward to an energetic performance and me performing quite a few huts from off the album” says Kabaka Pyramid.

Kabaka Pyramid

2-Mar Toulouse, FR- Le Metronum- @lemetronum

3-Mar Brussels, BE- Vooruit- @

4-Mar Deventer, NL- Burgerweeshuis- @burgerweeshuis

6-Mar Groningen, NL- Oosterpoort- @deoosterpoort

7-Mar Amsterdam, NL- Melkweg- @melkwegamsterdam

8-Mar Utrecht, NL- Tivoli- @tivolivredenburg

9-Mar Darmstad, DE- Centralstation- @centralstationdarmstadt

10-Mar Munich, DE- Backstage- @backstagemunich

11-Mar Dortmund, DE- Junkyard- @junkyard_dortmund

12-Mar Hannover, DE- Faust- @kulturzentrumfaust

14-Mar Berlin, DE- Lido- @lidoberlin

17-Mar Gothenburg, SE- Nefertiti-

18-Mar Stockholm, SE- Colosseum- @colosseumstockholm

22-Mar Paris, FR- New Morning- @newmorningparis

23-Mar Nijmegen, NL- Doornroosie- @doornroosjenl

24-Mar Cluses, FR- L’Atlier- @atelier.cluses

25-Mar St. Gallen, CH- Kammgarn- @kammgarn_kaiserslautern

26-Mar Vienne, AT- Szene-

27-Mar Innsbruck, AT- Pmk- @pmk_ibk

29-Mar Marseille, FR- Le Molotov- @lemolotovmarseille

30-Mar Bologna, IT- Sottotetto - @sottotettosoundclub

31-Mar Jerez, ES - Primavera Festival - @primavera_sound

1-Apr Roma, IT- CS Intifada - @csaintifadaempoli

4-Apr Prague, CZ- Lucerna Music Bar- @lucernamusicbar

6-Apr Manchester, UK- The Blues Kithcen- @theblueskitchenmcr

7-Apr Bristol, UK- Trinity Centre- @bristoltrinity

8-Apr Birmingham, UK- O2 Institute2- @o2Institutebham

10-Apr London, UK- The Jazz Cafe’- @thejazzcafe

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