Bunny Wailer's sister, Donna Livingston-Carridice, is urging the Reggae legend's 13 children to seek DNA tests to verify paternity and 'access the benefits set out in their father's will.'
Livingston-Carridice says that the late singer's children have been harassing the family of Carlton Livingston, the estate's eldest co-executor.
“The kids have launched a full-fledged attack on Carl’s wife and we, the elder members of the Livingston family, cannot allow this to continue. That is why we’re making an appeal to all of Jah B’s kids to do a DNA test so that they can establish paternity and gain the benefits of their father’s estate. There is no need to harass Carl or his wife,” Donna Livingston-Carridice, said.
“When the will was entered into court, Abijah’s, Bunny Wailer’s son and co-executor, lawyer requested the will saying they had an issue. They held the original will for a few months but the will went back to court because they had no justification to hold on to it this long. Since the will has returned to court, Abijah now wants the family to come together and discuss things but it is before the courts, there will be no more discussions. Respect your father’s will, and wishes. Just do your DNA, ” said Mrs. Livingston-Carridice.
The current Will, on the other hand, names the 13 children as beneficiaries and includes a provision for any other child to come forward to show "paternal descent by DNA evidence."
However, according to Livingston-Carridice, "as established under the will, any children under 18, the estate will provide for them until they become 18, but Bunny wanted the DNA to be done. Even if they’re listed in the will, it is ordered that you take a DNA, go take the DNA and establish paternity and then you can access the benefits as set out in the will."
Any one of the children who want to do the DNA test should travel to the DNA Carigen Lab in New Kingston with a passport-size photo, according to Livingston-Carridice. The test will cost $43,000.
“Or you can send the kit to a doctor or a lab willing to take the sample. You are responsible for paying the lab fee, the doctor and FedEx to get the sample to Carigen,” she explained.
Mrs. Livingston-Carridice expresses her displeasure at the attempt to overturn the late singer's desires.
Bunny Wailer, whose real name was Neville Livingston passed away on Tuesday, March 2 at the age of 73.