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6 Makeup Essentials You Should Always Have In Your Bag

Writer: undefined

We as women in the modern world are busier than ever. There are a million things to do in the day and you may either be unable to find the time to do your makeup in the morning and be on time, or you may need to touch up at some point during the day.

Whether you have a date or a party after work, or just need to freshen up after a day at the beach, there are some key makeup items that a lady shouldn't be without because of how how much they can impact your look without needing your full makeup arsenal.

1. Concealer

A great concealer is a must-have for anyone on the go. You never know when a rogue pimple is going to make an appearance or your lack of sleep from last night is going to show up under your eyes.

Concealer is meant to hide blemishes and fortunately, there are many quality drugstore brands that work well in case of an emergency. Be sure to find a concealer that matches close to your skin tone and foundation color or those covered blemishes will still show up like spotlights on your face. Furthermore, your concealer has a long list of other uses such as highlighting or neutralizing lip colors.

2. Mascara

Your eyes are the windows to your soul and though your lashes are a very small percentage of your face, having them long and full can drastically improve the way you look, with minimal effort.

Dark and luscious eyelashes make your eyes stand out and there are even mascaras that nourish eyelashes as it is worn throughout the day.

3. Eyebrow Pencil

Now, let’s talk about your lashes’ next door neighbours, the eyebrows. Dark, full brows are always attractive and walking with your eyebrow pencil allows you to keep them on point at all times.

4. Lip Color

Whether you’re a lipgloss or a lipstick lover, your lips will need some touching up at some point while you’re out. You can even adjust your look significantly by just changing your lip color, so walk with 2 or 3 lipsticks if you’ll be in different environments throughout the day.

5. Pressed Powder

Most pressed powders come equipped with a mirror and are made for making touch ups to your foundation when needed.

For most mortal women, foundation may get oily or blotchy throughout the day, and when that happens, you only need to dab away any oil, brush on some powder and voilà!

6. Setting Spray

Keeping your setting spray on hand is an easy way to keep your makeup in tip top condition throughout the day and in between outings.

Final Word

Keeping your makeup fresh and versatile for a long time doesn’t mean you need to lug around every item you own. However, keeping these essentials in your purse or handbag will keep you looking your best throughout the day, staying ready for any scenario requiring a beautifully made-up face.


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