Men and women, all over the world, restore to ridiculously expensive treatment methods in order to treat wrinkles under the eyes and under-eye bags. For those who are looking for effective ways to treating these problems without hurting their pockets, we have some good news. Wrinkles and under-eye bags can be effectively and promptly treated at home using natural ways.
Take a look at the below mentioned natural ways that are well known for treating wrinkles and under-eye bags.
#1 Power of Tomatoes
That’s right. Tomatoes are a powerful and effective natural remedy for treating wrinkles. By eating at least one tomato on a daily basis, you will notice your skin tightening up. In addition or instead of eating a tomato, you can also apply a tomato pulp on the face. Doing so, your skin will almost instantaneously look younger and fresher.
#2 Cool Cucumbers
Another home remedy that can be found in your kitchen is cucumbers. Cucumbers, undeniably, is one of the best remedies for eye bags. Since cucumbers are power packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, they help in reducing swelling and redness. Place a cool cucumber slice on each of the eyes and allow it to rest for 30 minutes or so to feel the results.
#3 Green Tea
Some of us are already aware of the benefits of drinking green tea; however, did you know that green tea is also beneficial when used topically. To make it work, use two tea bags, place the tea bags in a mug of hot water. Then, remove the tea bag and allow it to come down to the room temperature. Next is to place the tea bags on the eyes for at least 15 minutes. Repeat this process twice a week.
#4 Water
Nothing comes close to having a sip of clean water first thing in the morning. It is advisable to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Water plays a pivotal role in keeping our body hydrated. Besides, water also helps in flushing out wasteful toxins from our system, thereby giving our skin a fresh and clean look.
In addition to drinking clean water, one must even wash the face with cool water first thing in the morning. Cold water acts as a vasocontrictor to restrict blood flow to the area, and thereby reducing swelling.
#5 Aloe Vera & Cucumber Eye Mask
Homemade eye masks too are a fabulous option for combating wrinkles and under-eye bags. These masks reduce dark circles and wrinkles to a significant extent, leaving the area under the eyes radiant and healthy looking. There are plenty of eye mask options available, out of which, Aloe Vera & Cucumber eye mask is truly the easiest and most effective.
For this particular mask, you need a ¼th cup of peeled and grated cucumber and 1 tbsp of Aloe Vera gel. Mix it well and spread the mixture on a cotton ball and place it on top of your eyes. Now allow the mixture to stay on for 15 minutes before you wipe it away using cold water. For those who are suffering from dark circles and under-eye bags, this particular eye mask will be a boon. Try it out.
Instead of opting for expensive treatments, it is advisable to try out natural and homebased remedies that are equally effective in treating wrinkles and under-eye bags.
About the Author
Harvey Lee is a health and beauty blogger and works with various industry leading health and beauty product brands e.g. EyeSoothe: UK's leading Eye Mask brand for various eye issues including Blepharitis, MGD, Dry eye syndrome and more. Harvey strongly recommends seeking physician opinion before replacing medication with natural or other non-clinical remedies.