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The Nestled Talent from the Furthest Point of Trinidad—MACHEL SANDY

Writer: undefined

Machel Sandy a very vibrant and positive person took the opportunity to be interviewed and his excitement grew when I asked him the first question. How it all started? He responded without hesitation by proudly exclaiming his mother is his main influence. Machel as a young boy among a dominantly female home was eager to learn from his mother’s natural gift. He admired his mother’s craft as one of the best wedding seamstress in Guyagagri. His love for fashion budded when he took his mother scraps of cloth and created his own ideas of creation. Apart from his mother his sister was quite active in the fashion and pageant world (Miss Trinidad & Tobago 2000) who also is his role model. It was at that pageant Machel felt motivated after meeting Heater Jones & Peter Elias for the first time.

Machel’s first design was constructed at age 13 for his cousin’s graduation. Thereafter he added his designs to his village Emancipation shows, Cari Vogue. It was not long after he became passionate about designing for pageants which out of four pageants he captured three best evening gowns. Machel got so excited talking about his journey he said the audience reaction to his pieces is what motivates him.

At this time Cari Vogue showed a tremendous amount of interest in him and offered him the opportunity to go to London to train him. His options were thin he had no choice but to finish secondary school. One of his disadvantages was the stigma as a young male designer. It added some peer pressure but Machel boldly past that phase without being discouraged. His education is a priority he is presently finishing his Business degree at the University of the Southern Caribbean.

In 2006 La Revier was the talk of the season; his anticipation was taking a very positive turn in his life. It was his first national showing of his work, at this point he was competing against top local designers.

Social media became the new marketing tool for Machel which actually was like a re-birth to his vision. It was time to give a name to his brand. Fascinated with Japanese culture Masheru was an abstract combination of Machel and Japanese.

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Swimwear by: Machel Sandy

Now working out of Sande Grande, he describes his designs as urban chic” cross between urban & couture. His bathing suits line delivers a beautiful fuchsia array of colours with deep and daring cuts.

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Mr Sandy is seemingly the wonders of fashion he not only culminates the talent of designing he also can do make-up artistry, hair stylist and the Managing Director of modelling agency Image Caribe’. Machel felt if he did not attempt his passion he would have living his life full of regrets. He has worked local photographers such as: Sancho Francisco, Randy Paradox, International photographer - Lang Xiao of LX Studio.

Machel admires local designer Peter Elias and international designers such as Alexander mac Queen, Roberto Cavali and Heatherette.

Machel currently produce every Fridays at a popular spot downtown Port-of –Spain Trinidad themed type fashion shows called Elite Fridays.

His advice to young upcoming fashion designers is to “be you no matter what” Don’t allow people to break your spirit.

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