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  • Zoe Trotman Is The New Miss Barbados World 2014

    Twenty two year old Zoe Trotman is the newly crowned Miss Barbados World 2014, at the Hilton Barbados. She will compete in Miss World 2014 to be held in London, England in December. Trotman also won the pre-judged talent segment and was second runner up for the Beauty with a Purpose project. Second place went to Melanie Mark, who was also voted the People's Choice winner and Best Smile. While Shakela Bellamy was the third place winner and was also awarded “Best Gown”. Miss Barbados Zoe Trotman posing with other delegates Rounding out the eight delegates were Danielle Dottin, Juanita Rock, Emilomo Akpevwiehor, Samantha Gittens and Sharika Stanford. ............................................................................................................................................... Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

  • Interview: Meet Multitalented Artist Katrina Stuart

    Katrina Stuart is a pop artist who has been playing piano, singing and performing for audiences since she was 4 years old. At age 10 she started guitar, dance and vocal lessons and since then performing has been her passion. Katrina has been working with Multi-Platinum Producer Skyler Lexx and his team writing music, recording and performing in my own music videos in L.A. California. She currently has 2 music videos on YouTube and has recorded about 10 songs. CEM got the chance to catch up with this talent artist. Tell me a little about your background I started playing piano when I was 4 years old and have loved music ever since. I have been trained classically in piano and theory and am able to teach piano now. When I was 9 years old I started classical vocal lessons, guitar lessons, and dance lessons in jazz, hip-hop, tap, and ballet. How do you end up getting signed under Skyler Management? I posted videos of me singing and playing piano and guitar covers on YouTube. I was fortunate enough to be spotted by Ashley Camden fromBelair Talent Group and a Multi-Platinum Producer named Skyler Lexx in Los Angeles, California. They saw my videos and contacted me through my YouTube account. They said they wanted to work with me!! It was so crazy when I first got the message, I couldn’t believe it!! Next thing I knew, I was flying out to L.A. and that’s where my journey all started!! I feel so blessed to have been spotted and have this opportunity to do what I love and work with such great professionals in the industry, my Producers have an amazing team of Writers, Engineers, Stylists, Photographers, Videographers and awesome Dancers!! How early in your life did you know you wanted to be a performer? I started performing for audiences in school and recitals when I was 4 years old, but I really knew I wanted to do this when I was around 8 years old. I used to choreograph song and dance routines for friends and talent shows at school and loved it!! I was up for any opportunity to perform in front of people. Not nervous at all, just enjoyed it. Was singing your sole passion or did you ever consider another direction for a career? When I was younger I got into acting and did some commercials and a short film and I wanted to be an actress, but music has always been my passion and I knew I was born to do this and do it for the rest of my life. Do you write your own song? I’m starting to write my own songs more and more now, however, I have had really good writers that write songs for me that are “hits” and that I absolutely love. Who and what are your influences, both musically, and in terms of song writing? I have always enjoyed Katy Perry’s music and her style and her fun videos. I also love Brittney Spears, Beyoncé, Selena Gomez, Demi Lavato and Bruno Mars. Taylor Swift influences me in terms of her song writing as she writes from the heart and her fans can relate to her music. What is your favorite track of all your music and why? My favorite track of all my music would have to be the song “Reckless” because it’s about dancing and having fun and it is lots of fun to sing and dance to! What are you currently working on? Well, I just finished a showcase for the record labels, Universal Music Group and Atlantic Records, where I performed 3 songs with backup dancers, and now I am currently working on a few more songs to record in the summer as requested by the labels. What is the greatest thing about working in the music industry?And what would you change if you had the opportunity? The greatest thing about working in the music industry is that I get to sing, dance, and perform all the time and do what I love! I wouldn’t change anything about the industry except that I just want to do more of it and more often. Who have you always dreamt of working with and why? I have always dreamt of working with Bruno Mars because he is so talented and an amazing singer and performer. I feel like I could learn a lot from him! From your experience in the entertainment industry what advice could you offer to young people looking to get into the industry? From my experience in the industry, I would recommend that they should take vocal lessons, dance lessons and learn an instrument. They should love what they do, work hard at it, and never give up on their dreams. What have you found to be most challenging about the music industry? And how are you dealing with it? Well, I find that sometimes I don’t get enough sleep so whenever I can; I have a power nap or get energy drinks! Share with us your proudest moment in your career so far? My proudest moment in my career right now would be that the labels asked me to do a Performance Showcase for them and not everyone gets that opportunity. So I worked hard to impress them and I think I did! Are you planning to release an album anytime soon? Yes, absolutely! Hopefully soon!! I can’t wait to release an album!! Once I get few more “Hits” you can listen to me on the radio! Where do you see yourself five years from now? Five years from now, I will hopefully be on tour, have a million fans, my own brand of clothing and be sharing my music with the world. J Thanks so much for giving me this opportunity to talk to you and promote my music career, I appreciate this very much. ............................................................................................................................................. Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit

  • Interview With Marsha Thompson - The Newly Crowned Miss Caribbean Gemz

    Barbadian beauty Marsha Thompson is the newly crownedMiss Caribbean Gemz. Marsha spoke to us about her journey to winning the crown, her projects and among other interesting issues. What was your reason behind taking part in Ms. Caribbean Gemz Beauty Pageant? Did anyone inspire you or you always wanted to enter? I wanted to participate in the Caribbean Gemz beauty pageant because the mission of the CG organization is to enlighten, educate & uplift the Caribbean people through different events and informative literature. Caribbean Gemz is a new system and intends to give back to the West Indian community by donating to various charities in need. Their mission is in line with the goals that I have set for myself as a Caribbean American woman. I was inspired to submit my story to be considered by Alton Aimable of he has been a strong supporter and friend since the day we have met. Was your family supportive of your decision to participate in the Ms. Caribbean Gemz contest? My family was definitely supportive if my decision to participate in the Miss Caribbean Gemz contest. Although my mom, Ordean Babb emigrated to New York City when I was really young, she made sure that my siblings and I had a strong sense of our Bajan culture. So while we were very far she kept home (Barbados) close in her food, morals, ethics and faith. My sister Joyann Reid has been a driving force and motivation behind why I pursued competing in beauty pageants as well. What was the feeling when your name was announced as the winner, how did you react? Ok, I hear goes... I felt happy, excited, surprised, grateful, humbled, beautiful, thankful, loved, overjoyed, blessed! I think I felt every positive emotion possible in that moment. I definitely shed a few tears! What does winning the competition means to you? Winning this competition means a win for Barbados! It also means that although there were times that I have felt misplaced in the America as a Caribbean woman of color and have doubted my beauty, intelligence and self in the past that I am living proof that your story and your culture is all in God's Plan and you can win in the skin you are in! What do you think made you stood out from the other contestants? All of the contestants did an amazing job and we definitely all made it hard on the judges. I believe that the judges saw the hard work and effort I put into each segment of the pageant to give them a good show. The sincerity in my motivation to be the Caribbean Gemz Queen and the pride in my Bajan when I opened up and shared my story through cultural dance and answers. How will you like to be remembered after your reign as queen? I would like to be remembered as the Queen who enlightened, educated and uplifted the Caribbean culture and served as a role model for Caribbean people in the United States. I want to be remembered for my caring heart through the various charitable efforts over the next year and last but not least I want to make not only all of Barbados and Bajans everywhere, but the entire Caribbean proud to have me as their ambassador in the name of Peace, beauty and Charity. Tell us about your experiences since becoming the queen? And what are some projects that you will be embarking as the queen? I have only been Miss Caribbean Gemz for a week now, but the experience has been a whirlwind and so many interesting opportunities have been offered. From the moment of the announcement the camera flashes and congratulations from everyone who was in attendance filled me with joy. I have a busy schedule coming up of events, fundraisers, photo shoots and appearances so stay tuned! Like the Caribbean Gemz Facebook pageto stay updated on what is yet to come! What was your favourite thing about the Contest? I had 2 favourite aspects of the Ms Caribbean Pageant the first was the cultural costume/Question and Answer segment of the pageant. It was beautiful to have each girl come up with a costume to represent their island in addition to a short trivia to test our Caribbean knowledge and the allowance of each girl to explain why they were competing. My second favorite aspect was the support system that we were provided with. We had numerous rehearsal and chances to meet all of the other contestants. We all had a chance to bond with one another and Caribbean Gemz team. Who or What inspires you? It would be hard for me to name one person, thing or event that has inspired me but I will say that I believe that every new person or experience that is introduced into your life is an opportunity to learn, I am inspired everyday by family, music, food, art, the changing world, God, and so much more. What's your definition of an achiever? Everyday I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy it. This makes it hard to plan the day! With that said, an achiever is anyone that can find a happy balance between the two. What do you like most about yourself? What I like most about myself is what those around me have found endearing and it is my open mind and caring heart. I believe that I was raised by one of the most generous women on earth, my mother Ordean Babb. This woman has bent over backwards to help any and everyone that is need that has crossed her paths. Most recently, she has continued to adopt children in need of homes for numerous reasons due to rape, sexual orientation, abuse, etc. My mom has passed this on to me. I always find a way to take action and do my best to make the world a better place. I get it from my mommy! Let’s talk about fashion…………… What's your fashion must-have? All things Mac! I am obsessed with Mac Make Up! At the moment I am in love with their Rihanna inspired line. I wear the red lipstick as much as possible. Go Barbados! What's your Fashion sin, something you always indulge in? Shoes!!! I am a sucker for great shoes. I see it, like it, buy it! It is getting out of hand. I am now using 2 closets, 2 shoe racks, and underneath the bed for storage! Another guilty pleasure of mine is anything that sparkles. I like Sequins, glitter, sparkles, diamonds! Hey, I am a pageant girl! Which item in your make-up bag can you not do without? I have 2 items that are life savers over and over again. The first is Nivea's "A Kiss of Milk and Honey" chopstick and Creme of Nature or Olive Oil edge control with Argan Oil. Tell us about your beauty routine? I have a pretty laid back beauty routine besides the everyday hygiene routine of brushing, flossing and washing my face. I like to make sure my face is moisturized and use a light foundation, blush, mascara, chapstick or nude lipstick. I also make sure that I wash and deep condition my hair once a week. There is a new leave in or wash out conditioner out of Italy made specifically for women of color. It is a miracle in a bottle by the name of COCO AMO. What Advice would you give to young girls who are aspiring to enter Beauty Pageants? The advice that I would give to young girls who are interested in pageantry is to lead with confidence, let your personality shine through, practice is key and to never be discouraged if the results are not always in your favor. I have definitely been disappointed when I have not won or placed in past pageants, but I took those experiences to improve on what I needed to and those No's have turned into a Yes today! What are your hopes and aspirations for the future? I hope in the near future that I can use my title to take my career to the next level while expanding on the great reputation that Caribbean Gemz is building. In the distant future I am working to grow my events company and enroll in law school. I want to have a family of my own, but until then I will continue to be the best daughter, sister, aunt, friend, family member, role model, queen and Me that I can be! ................................................................................................................ Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

  • Rafieya Husain Was Crowned Miss Guyana World 2014

    Rafieya Husain was last night crowned Miss Guyana World 2014 at the National Cultural Center. She will now represent Guyana at the Miss World 2014competition, to be held in London, England on December 14th, 2014. Atisha Gaskill was 1st runner and was also awarded “Fitness and Beach Beauty”. 2nd runner up went to Denicia Williams and Ayana Whitehead, who was the crowd favorite came in as 3rd runner up and also awarded “Best Talent”. The top five contestants were Cherese James, Rafieya Husain, Atisha Gaskin, Denicia Williams and Ayana Whitehead. Other sectional awards were Gericia Francis who copped the Multimedia award and Rufieya Hussain won the Beauty with a purpose and People’s Choice Awards. ...............................................................................................................................................Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

  • Pop Singer Samantha J Inked Lucrative Deal With Columbia Records

    Jamaican singer Samantha J has inked a lucrative deal with major American label, Columbia Records. According to TMZ, the 17-year-old, who is best known for her hit single, “Tight Skirt”, is set to get an advance of at least $325,000 and as high as $700,000, if needed for her first album. If she remains with Columbia through her 6th album she’ll collect up to a $1.1 million advance! Also, she will also make gets royalties of 16% of sales. Samantha J, whose real name is Samantha Gonsalves, said in a statement… "I cannot express how happy I am to be a part of the Columbia Records family. The label has a rich history of developing great artistes and music. As soon as I have my exams under my belt, I can't wait to get back to producing music and most of all making Jamaica proud." Since its release last summer “Tight Skirt” has garnered a lot of attention to the young singer. The song features a sample from dancehall track ‘Tight Up Skirt’ by Red Rat. The video on YouTube has topped two million views. Samantha J has since once the Youth View Award for Favorite Breakout Celebrity. She has since released her follow-up single, Hot Gyal Anthem ............................................................................................................................................. Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

  • Mr. Caribbean International - Mark the date, October 6-13, 2014

    Each October, the temperature in Negril gets just a little bit hotter when the gorgeous men of Mr. Caribbean International descend on Hedonism II for a week of remarkable entertainment and thrilling excitement. You will not want to miss some of the world’s finest Caribbean men as they compete in fitness, modelling, talent and public speaking. The first competition of its kind in the Caribbean, the 12-year old event never disappoints. With statuesque physiques and the most charming personalities, the delegates treat their guests to an unforgettable week in pure paradise. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: - Action-Filled Pool Parties - Blind Dates - Adventurous Excursions - Sexy Beach Games - MCI Grand Finale & After party - MCI Fitness Challenge The completion will run from October 6-13, 2014 ................................................................................................................................ Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

  • Kimhia Toussaint Crowned Miss St Lucia UK 2014

    At the second staging of the Miss St Lucia UK 2014, 20 year old Kimhia Toussaint has been crowned the winner. Toussaint a real estate agent was crowned before a packed audience at Kensington Town Hall, where 21-year-old university student Diandra Shortee was first runner up and second runner up went to 19-year-old college student Kathline George. Contestants were judged in swim and evening wear as well as their knowledge of St Lucia which included performing a short skit to re-enact life experiences back in the Caribbean island. The evening was part of St Lucia’s 35th Independence celebrations which highlights the island’s history, culture and accomplishments. Guest included St Lucia’s High Commissioner, His Excellency Dr.Ernest Hilaire. Also in attendance were director of marketing St Lucia Tourist Board Jean-Marc Flambert and assistant directorAtlyn Forde who sponsored the entertainment package. The entertainment of the night was popular St Lucian Soca artistTeddyson John who had the patrons on their feet as he belted out his carnival hits. Sponsors for the evening were Bay Gardens Resort, Hotel Chocolat, Chairman’s Reserve, Melalleuca, GMQex and St Lucia Tourist Board. ................................................................................................................................... Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

  • Miss Guyana India Worldwide 2014 is Divya Sieudarsan

    Divya Sieudarsan was crowned Miss Guyana India Worldwide 2014 at the New Thriving Banquet Hall on Tuesday (May 6th). The 25 year old will represent Guyana at the Miss India Worldwide Pageant in Dubai this June. Photo: Hotspotgy ....................................................................................................................................Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

  • Brielle Swann Wins TCI Top Model 2014 With a Clean Sweep

    Hailing from the nation’s capital, Grand Turk -Brielle Swann makes a clean sweep atThe Dollhouse, Cycle5 of theTCI Top Model Contest to become the FACE of the Turks & Caicos, TCI Top Model 2014! As contestant number seven, Brielle stood out from her fellow contestants and charged to the fore with her exotic features, cinnamon skin tone, lithe physique and brilliant personality. Shy, but bubbly all the same, the 5’9” North Backsalina born beauty not only won the contest, but also captured all five event awarded prizes: ‘Industry Readiness’, ‘Best Body’, ‘Model’s Portfolio’, ‘Best Runway Walk’, ‘Fashion Forward’, that along with walking away with the ‘Mainstream Media Darling Award’ which was won in a pre-event competition. Brielle makes TCI Top Model history by being the first winner to achieve a clean sweep on event night. “This moment is a dream come true. Modeling has always been a passion of mine and now I am on the road to realize my potential,” said Brielle. The newly titled 2014 TCI Top Model who enjoys church fellowship activities, swimming, fashion modeling, music and the arts, along with hanging out with family and friends went on to add that: “Winning the 2014 TCI Top Model Contest is indeed a boost to my confidence and to the morale of girls in Grand Turk who would like to compete but are to reserve to do so. I hope that they would follow in my footsteps, sign up, participate, study and prepare themselves - as the sky is the limit!” The TCI Top Model Contest & Fashion Extravaganza was a creative and fashion forward triumph, which saw a catwalk competition of seven beautiful young ladies vying for the title of TCI Top Model 2014. Brielle Swann captured the 2013 TCI Top Model title, with Je’Cannya Garland and Nathanelle Louis placing First Runner’s Up and Second Runner’s Up respectively. The event featured performances by Robyn Hinds, Penrhyn Brooks, Ryesha Higgs, Khambreal Garland, Shara Bowen, Rock It Hot Dance Faculty and Jemina Louis, Little Miss Enid Capron Primary School. Je’Cannya Garland Nathanelle Louis Friday’s show at The Williams Auditorium in Providenciales saw the contestants taking to the catwalk in four fashion segments: Fleurs (Impact Appeal), Dangerous (Rock That Look), Pristine Swim (Best Body) and The Glamorzons from Cockburn Town (Fashion Forward). All looks were on trend, fashion forward, edgy, creative and pure fashion power. Making special appearances were Samentha Etienne, TCI Top Model 2013; Washanda Registre, TCI Top Model 2012; Mauqueita Carter; Miss Body Beautiful 2013 and Snwazna Adams, Miss Turks & Caicos Universe 2013. The audience at The Dollhouse - the theme for this year’s event – were blown away by an opening passage that left them thrilled and on their feet as it was a tour de force! It showcased a fierce dance routine lead by Courtney Robinson, the Director of Production, who along with Shara Bowen and Ryesha Higgs danced to Britney Spears ‘Work B*tch’ wearing a funky black attire. TCITM Cycle5 contestants and Courtney Robinson There were also multi-media and video presentations that documented the TCI Top Model Contest & Fashion Extravaganza: its history, training, event partners, organizing committee and those that made it an overwhelming success. The 2014 show’s production outdone all that came before and left all in awe, wondering, how can the team top that. Of the production, Courtney Robinson, Director of Production said: “I am truly honored to head a team that is passionate about giving those in the Turks and Caicos Islands an opportunity to shine, a platform to debut, and the tools to grow as individuals. The annual TCI Top Model Contest & Fashion Extravaganza is our way of giving back to our community and our hope is that everyone moving forward can dream big, follow it to the fullest, and help establish a creative industry in these “Beautiful By Nature” islands.” As the winner of the 2014 TCI Top Model Contest, Brielle Swannreceives an opportunity of a lifetime. Named the FACE of the Turks & Caicos, TCI Top Model 2014, she will be managed exclusively byRoyele Models for one year. Brielle will be featured on the cover and in an editorial spread in the 2014 Summer Times of the Islands magazine, have a profile page in Destination: Turks & Caicos Islands 2015 edition, editorial in the 2015 Discover Turks & Caicos Magazine, featured on Island Life & Times online magazine courtesy of Tropical Imaging Ltd, a photoshoot courtesy of Brilliant Studios, a test photoshoot by Paradise Photography, round-trip-ticket to New York City, luxury get-away on Caicos Adventure’s Lady K, full body treatment and products courtesy of The Regent Palms Resort Spa, $500 gift certificate to Wish Boutique located at the Regent Palms, three months membership to Rock It Hot Fitness, one year of hairstyling services courtesy of Kier’s Hairapy, six months makeup services courtesy of 3MayJEssenceMakeupArtistry, Apple Ipad with accessories courtesy of Pentecost Bookstore, ongoing personal development courtesy of Learn & Lead Educational Center, digital camera courtesy of Business Solutions, top of the line dual chip phone fromIslandCom Wireless and a luxury gift basket from La Parfumerie. Not only did Brielle win TCI Top Model, she won all five of the event’s most coveted awards along with the attention and interest of Marissa Surmenkow, Director of Scouting for New York Model Management. The judges were Claire Parrish, Advertising Manager, Times Publishing/Times of the Islands; Chef Nikita O Skipping, Owner & Founder of Crackpot Enterprises; JohnTsavalas, Celebrity Chef; and Head Judge Ianthe Williams-Scott. New York Model Management were interested in J’Keyah Jolly and Sanadia Forbes. Times of the Islands were interested in doing a future pictorial with Ryesha Higgs, Je’Cannya Garland, Zaria Ingham and Junhee Parker. ____________________________________________________________ For information on the TCI Top Model Contest & Fashion Extravaganza kindly log on to, call649.232.6796 or email: You may also find us on; Twitter - @tcistopmodel; Instagram – tcistopmodel Pinterest -; and Tumblr - What is more, you may add us on Blackberry Messenger – 79AF8461. Photos: All photos courtesy of Renau Destine, Double R Media .............................................................................................................................. Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

  • Shanice Williams Is Miss Universe Turks and Caicos 2014

    The Miss Universe Turks and Caicos 2014 was recently held and twenty one year old Shanice Williams won the title, at the Brayton Hill in Providenciales. Shanice who wore the sash Miss Grand Turk won in spectacular style ahead of 1st Runner up Codee Coalbrooke, Miss South Caicos and 2nd Runner up Todeline Defralien, Miss Middle Caicos. She also won Miss Intellect, Best in Swimsuit, Best Evening Gown, Miss Congeniality and Miss Photogenic. Other contestants of the ‘Sassy Six’ were Gabreann Capron, Miss Salt Cay; Tashy Forbes, Miss North Caicos; and Shante Williams, Miss Providenciales Shanice is the newest Digicel TCI Brand Ambassador and will represent her island country in Miss Universe 2014 pageant whose date and venue have not been confirmed. ...................................................................................................................................Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

  • Meet International Dancehall Choreographer Blacka Di Danca

    One of the most popular and innovative choreographers of today’s dancehall scene in the USA is Brooklyn-based Blacka Di Danca. At the mere age of 24, Blacka has already performed at stage shows, festivals and carnivals in over 18 countries and 32 cities. Blacka has gone from an underground dancer to a force in the entertainment industry very quickly. He recently choreographed a music video for Major Lazer, “Lose Yourself” featuring Moska and RDX in Kingston, Jamaica. He has also toured with Collie Buddz as a featured performer. In 2008, Blacka won the title of “Dancehall King” at Binghamton University’s Annual Carnival and later went on to be featured in six music videos for his dancing, including Busta Rhymes' "Twerk It" remix video featuring Nicki Minaj and Pharrell. In July of 2010, Blacka performed on National Television with Mr. Vegas and New Kingston on the CBS Early Show. In November of 2010, Blacka taught his first Dancehall class at NYC’s Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). In December of 2010, Blacka won the title of "Champion of Champions" in NYC's Dance-A-Rama competition. Blacka currently tours as a choreographer throughout Europe, Canada, Mexico and the United States teaching dancehall workshops. Over the summer of 2013, He was featured as a choreographer on cablevision's FUSE TV for the television show "The Hustle After-party". Blacka's photo was featured on the Beats by Dre website, and he has been featured in magazines and billboards in Siberia as well as newspapers in Jamaica. Blacka continues to add new projects and endeavors very often. Blacka has been in the dancehall scene for 10 years and has proven to be consistent in all of his efforts. Dancehall is his passion. His vision is to spread the art of dancehall dancing to global measures through love, hard work and dedication. Blacka Di Danca teaches dancehall dance classes at DANY studios (305 W. 38th street between 8th and 9th avenues, NYC) when he is not touring. Official Website: For bookings contact:

  • Featured Restaurant: Baci Ristorante -Turks and Caicos

    BACI RISTORANTE, a small intimate Italian restaurant, is nestled along the quiet waters of Turtle Cove. For your fine dining pleasure there are tables set both inside and out with soft music playing in the background and a beautiful ocean breeze. Starlight twinkle adds an element of romance to the terraced outdoor dining area as does the draping scarlet pink bougainvillaea, that perfect infusion of tropical colour. Tall under lit palms cast shadows and colourful reflections over the water and their gentle swaying fronds add a sense of security to the open sky. Just inside the decorative iron grill entrance is Baci’s bar, a long sweeping and substantial entity that one expects in an Italian eatery, always a great spot for meeting friends, enjoying a few drinks and chatting awhile. John Draper, owner, is always there to greet you at the entrance as well as the tantalising aroma of freshly made garlic bread. He will ensure that every minute of your evening is exactly as expected. He also lets you know that if what you’re looking for is not on the menu he’ll do his very best with what’s in house to come as close as possible. Daily specials, not to be found on the regular menu, are always an excellent choice. Be sure to try the Beef Carpaccio appetiser, sliced beef tenderloin pounded paper thin with capers, lemon, a fabulous olive oil and a sprinkling of grated Parmesan cheese. It is fantastic! The Brick Oven fresh made pizza is among the best you’ll find on island. John and his excellent staff always make your dining experience an enjoyable one. Baci Ristorante also serves lunch on their shaded terrace Monday through Friday. The full menu including pizza is available for take-out. Recipe: Cappellini Aglio e Olio Source: ............................................................................................................................................. Copyright 2014 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..

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